The Library of Glissant Studies is a collective project which would not be possible without the help and support of dozen of dedicated individuals and institutions across the world. Our team aim at developing researches in the field of Glissant Studies by indexing information, and facilitating collaborations between scholars, students, and universities.
Cécile Bertin-Elisabeth is the Dean of Humanities at the Université des Antilles and a Professor of Spanish. Her research focuses on the picaresque novel and she is the author of Réécrire la littérature picaresque depuis l’Amérique latine. Une relecture des textes fondateurs (Honoré Champion 2012). She directed several collective volumes such as Les héros de la marge dans l’Espagne classique (Éditions Le Manuscrit, 2007 and Les récits de la marginalité en Amériques (Caraïbéditions, 2014).